How to set and calculate tax?

The tax rate is set per client (because each one sits in his own country). The number you enter is a percentage of the total amount in your invoices.

You can choose if the tax is included or excluded. This will be calculated and indicated on your invoices, for example:

How to set the currency?

Setting the currency is done on a per-client basis. Just click on an existing client in the “clients & projects”list to open up the client’s details form.

The principle is simple: You enter the currency (you can use the currency symbol, if you want). Then you select the “currency format” on the right to determine wheter it’s 100 EUR or EUR 100. Some countries use NZ$ 100 – like New Zealand.

If you’re worried about the thousands separator and decimals: The app automatically switches based on the language. If you think this won’t work for you, send me a message.

How to set my invoice number format?

An easy one. Go to your profile: Settings > Profile & Invoice settings.

Open the “Your profile” accordion and scroll down to the “Invoice” section:

You will see the sample of the invoice number in the darker box. Below it there are draggable elements:

  • global invoice number (this one counts up with each invoice created)
  • client invoice number (this one counts per client invoice)
  • client number (you can give your clients numbers of course. This can be used here)

The example will create invoice numbers like:

global invoice nr + client-number

How to setup my profile / invoicing details?

This is an essential one. Just go to the sidenav: Settings / Profile & Invoicing Templates.

You will see new options on the left hand side. Go to Your profile to expand this and here you’ll see all settings:

The first selection is the language. NOTE that the language will determine the contents below. So for your “English” profile you can enter your data and logo. If you change to German language, the fields allow new data to be set. Even a different logo.

Briefly, you have a profile for every language available. This allows for different banking details, logos and invoice numbering formats. The language you select later for any client will determine which profile is used.

The least of your worries: Time tracking & Invoicing

Unless you are an accoutant, you don’t want to spend much time noting the time for a project you have worked on. Let alone fiddle with a word processor to create invoices. There are many tools out there that do a magnificient job tracking time or creating invoices. Yet, I have not found anything that satisfied my needs.

On top of all things I wanted software that is not in the way, i.e. that is easy to use and does not require much attention. It has to run when I need it and push out PDFs with invoices. Bam! That’s it. I found some tools that got close, but ultimately they missed an important feature: multi-currency.

So I decided to create fugit. After using it for a couple of years for my own projects and clients, I thought it is time to get that thing out there. I’ve honestly been torn about selling if or offering it for free. In hindsight, I’ll need the money. It’s that simple. After spending 2 years on this software, it may at least generate some turnover. After all, the money supports more development — for which I have ideas.